
Time Poor Stakeholders
by Business Analysis, Thorough analysis and research activities rely on effective information gathering techniques which begins with understanding the underlying context. An efficient method of gathering reliable information and data

The Value of a Business Analyst in Cybersecurity
by Business Analysis, The importance of cybersecurity has never been greater, even though it has been a hot topic for a while. Small firms and sometimes large firms that experience

How to enable exceptional business analysis
by Business Analysis, Benefiting from business analysis is about much more than hiring an individual with the title business analyst. Business Analysis is a means in which outcomes are derived, strategy is linked to execution

How Business Analysts support Product Owners
by Business Analysis, To develop valuable software, inevitably, someone needs to understand the business needs and translate them so that someone can materialise it into an executable outcome. The focus

The Importance of Understanding Human Requirements and Embedding them in your BA Practice
by Business Analysis, The day-to-day practice of Business Analysis is dominated by process. Be it the project delivery process, eliciting and mapping current state processes, or creating new ones for

What is business agility?
by Tim Coventry, CBAP Success today requires the agility and drive to constantly rethink, reinvigorate, react, and reinvent. – Bill Gates Business agility is not about rolling out New Ways