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The Product Owner and Scrum Master Brain Transplant!


Imagine you are a Mad Agile Scientist and have a diabolical experiment to conduct - what would happen if you exchanged the brains of a Product Owner and Scrum Master? Mwuhahahaha!!! How would the body of a Product Owner with the brain of a Scrum Master act? And vice versa? Perhaps the Scrum Master would […]


Women’s Welfare and Wellbeing during Covid


Join Agile professional and consultant Kristy Theissling to explore practical ways to improve your personal wellbeing, the well-being of your colleagues and women’s welfare on the larger scale, during Covid lockdown periods. Hear, for the first time ever told, powerful professional true-stories of gender inequality from 25 years of professional employment in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne […]


Agile Conversations; a workshop


Culture is the cornerstone of any transformation and conversation is the way that culture emerges from people interactions, therefore we say that if you transform your conversations you can transform your culture. The purpose of this session is to make the group aware of how their biases are evident in the conversations they have. For […]

BAPL Brisbane Talent Acquisition Webinar


We know it is difficult to break into the business analysis market, especially for BAs with only a few years’ experience, so we are doing something about it. If you are an intermediate Business Analyst level (3+ years of experience) who is currently based in (OR wanting to relocate to) Brisbane - this webinar is […]


Scrum Aus Lightning Talk 5: Telling Our Stories


As many of us live our very own Groundhog Days in lockdown, Scrum Australia and Telstra would like to brighten your day by announcing the fifth Lightning Talk session: Tuesday 31 August from 12:30-2:00pm.  The latest session features Christian van Stom, Nik Ilich, Rowan Walsh and Shelvia Loveridge. Please visit Trybooking to register for this and other […]


Mind your creativity – use it or lose it


This session is an invitation to intentionally stretch, play, reflect and replenish aspects of your creative muscle and creative life. Join us for some hands-on virtual activity and reflection. Creativity is our most sustainable and renewable resource. The choices we make and the mindset we adopt can be one of replenishment and creative wellbeing or […]


Systems Thinking: Practical Techniques for Business Agility

The business environment is moving at a rapid pace. More than ever we need the ability to quickly sense and respond to change, and there is increasing focus on enabling agility within organizations. Achieving agility can be tricky when working in large, seemingly bureaucratic, organizations with a whole legacy of technology, political and process issues […]


Continuous Improvement: Beyond Retros


We seem to try to foster a mindset of continuously and relentlessly striving for improvement with mainly one practice: retrospectives. For years, retros have been our default – and often our only – continuous improvement tool. Aurelien certainly used to think that retros were the most important ceremony. As a coach, he previously considered them […]


Short talks: Remote Agile + What a Masterful Scrum Master does


--- Agenda --- 5:20pm (AEST) Join the call for informal networking 5:30pm Welcome & speaker introduction 5:35pm Presentation from Allison 5:55pm Initial Q&A with Allison 6:05pm Presentation from Rowan 6:25pm Q&A with both speakers 6:50pm Close --- Talk 1: Remote Agile with Allison Arandez --- Is it possible to successfully work in Agile with remotely […]


What is Agile 2? An introduction discussion


The Agile movement took us away from big up-front plans, micromanagement, and projects-by-numbers. It shifted the focus from big initiatives to small teams, from big promises to incremental deliveries, and from handoffs between specialists to collaboration and self-sufficiency. But it dismissed the importance of leadership, structure, forethought, and individual differences. It defined one-size-fits-all practices, often […]


Virtual Lean Cocktail – Women’s Welfare and Wellbeing during Covid


The topic for this event will be related to the topic "Women’s Welfare and Wellbeing during Covid" presented by Kristy Theissling on the 24th August. Please join us, share stories of your own experiences when it comes to women's welfare.


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