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Scrum and Kanban – Making the most of both with Scrumban


There are many myths around Kanban, especially the idea that teams must choose: do we use Scrum OR Kanban? In his talk on "Scrum and Kanban - Making the most of both with Scrumban", Daniel Ploeg explains the similarities and differences between the two and how using them together creates better outcomes. Agenda: ● Introductions […]


Agile 2021 Conference


Welcome to Agile2021 Agile Alliance’s annual conference is dedicated to exploring, innovating, and advancing Agile values and principles, and creating a space for people and ideas to flourish. The Agile20XX conference brings Agile communities together year after year to share experiences and make new connections — and this year we’ll be celebrating the 20th Anniversary […]

$399 – $599

Templates for Agile Alliance Topics


With the Agile Alliance's annual conference just around the corner, we have selected multiple topics being presented to see which Miro templates we could find that support them. We will be browsing through the different templates we've found, and discussing which we think are the most effective for their respective fields. There is an unlimited […]


Making the transition to a Product Owner that ships value


The Agile Product Owners and Business Analysts group in Melbourne is doing a joint session with the Agile Project Managers group in Melbourne on Product Ownership.  Register via the link in the event details below, attendance is free. Making the transition to Product Owners that ship value. As increasing numbers of large organisations make the […]


Kanban UnConference


The Melbourne Kanban Meetup and The Sydney Limited WIP Society have joined forces to present the Kanban UnConference. At 5:30pm we'll start the unconference, so please be ready and bring your topics along. You can present something, ask a question to the group / start a discussion - it's up to you (so long as […]


Business Analysis as a Service


Find out why enabling Business Analysis as a Service in your organisation will deliver greater outcomes and save your organisation money. Visit the LinkedIn URL below to register.


The 6 Enablers of Business Agility


Many organisations are built to survive and thrive in a 20th-century business climate. A climate marked by relative stability and low levels of competition, where efficiently delivering known products and services for years was the recipe for success. Unfortunately, what worked back then does not work well today. The 21st century is anything but stable […]


Scrum Aus Lightning Talk: New ideas as to how we move forward


Scrum Australia and Telstra present their 4th Virtual Scrum Lighting Talk for 2021! Join James Hayes, Rowan Bunning and Sally Sloley for an exciting discussion. You can register for all Telstra/Scrum Australia Lighting Talks for free via Trybooking.


Measuring and Proving the Value of an Agile/Lean Coach


When times are tough, roles like ways of working/Agile/Lean coaches seem to be the first to be cut. If we self-reflect, it's obvious that as a community, we haven’t been very good at selling our benefits or our value. Now is the time to discover the multi-million dollar operational impact that we can make for […]


Achieve Better Outcomes by Understanding People


IIBA Sydney is delivering an online session in August presented by Anna Bashkirova.  The event is free for IIBA members and $20 AUD for non-members.  More details and registration via the Event Website in the details below. "To develop facilitation skills, business analysis professionals should encourage ideas from a variety of employees and key stakeholders, […]

Free – $20

Leading Beyond Change: A Practical Guide to Business Agility


-- Overview of the event --- There is much attention on the organisational pursuit of Business Agility and other new ways of working to meet the demands of the changing world. Yet, most of what people believe about leadership, effective workplaces, and how to create lasting change is either incomplete or outright incorrect. And even […]


Quest to Increase Organisational Maturity


Andreas Bartel has applied the Kanban Maturity Model for more than two years now with different clients. In this talk, he will briefly summarise the model and reflect on its role as a coaching tool from a consultant’s perspective. He will also share one example from his practical application of the model in working with […]


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