Everyone performs business analysis in his or her life!
All board members, C-Level executives, senior executives, and managers perform business analysis to manage an organisation. All individuals perform business analysis, if you buy or rent a house you analyse your requirements; how many bedrooms, how many bathrooms, how many car spaces, how much can I afford, what is my preferred location etc.
Organisations exist to provide products and/or services, which are delivered to customers through business processes, that are decomposed into requirements. A Business Analyst has the skill, techniques, experiences and competencies to help organisations improve delivery of products and/or services to customers.
A Business Analyst is highly skilled in performing business process and requirements analysis to assist board members, C-Level executives, senior executives, and managers to make informed decisions. A Business Analyst often can see the “wood from the trees”, they should be agnostic to decisions and organisational politics only concentrating on good business analysis, ensuring that ideas are linked to delivery.
Until recently the role Business Analyst (BA) was loosely defined and the activity, tasks & techniques used varied from organisation to organisation. However, with the release of the BABOK® in 2006 by the IIBA® the BA role has been defined within six knowledge areas providing an international standard for this beneficial role.
John Simpson in his article Why on Earth Would You Promote a Business Analyst talks about a Chief Business Analyst “By championing the development of thousands of well-written requirements and collaboratively managing them throughout your innovation process, your staff of business analysts significantly impact the performance of your company every day. And, that makes them a strategic asset.”
To help your organisation compete and lead in the digital age, think about using a service from an expert Business Analysts company to keep your strategy linked to execution.