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‘A Typical Day with AI’

Robotic AI with a face looking at camera

by Esther Herzog,

Business Analysis (BAPL) Consultant


The purpose of this blog is to observe how AI is currently able to assist our everyday activities from sunrise to sundown.

AI should be augmenting the tasks and activities we already complete in our everyday lives, rather than creating completely different ways of completing simple processes.

Let’s explore AI and how it is leveraged to ensure maximum benefits.

Here is a look at an AI timeline journey on a typical weekday, a look into the everyday journey of a busy working family.





  • Using the home speaker device to program the alarm to wake the family by sending a signal to all connected smart devices to tell everyone to wake up and shuts the children’s access to the internet off until they reach school.
  • The smart home energy control IoT that is incorporated into the home, opens the shut-out blinds automatically, the air-conditioning is switched to off and the lights are monitored according to the time of day and natural light capacity.


  • The scheduled activities are notified to all family members via smart devices. Scheduling has been completed at the weekend with an automated virtual scheduling assistant (VSA). VSA identifies the planned activities and tasks for each day and the required attire or apparatuses.
  • The AM news is automatically switched to on using IoT smart tv.
  • The AI based voice recognition fridge is activated for school lunch recipes. Suggestions are produced to the group and the ability to purchase groceries if required.


  • The IoT home speaker device is making clothing recommendations based on the weather forecast for the day and also identifying if rain is a high possibility to necessitate the use of an umbrella.


  • An automated alert via the home connectivity technology is sounded to make sure everyone is on track for departure at 8am.
  • A reminder is set to collect bus passes and to ensure the sporting and music apparatuses for after school activities are organized, And a reminder as to whether it is bin day, or recycling bin week.
  • Everyone in the house has their wearable device, as emotion AI uses voice analysis beyond natural language processing (NLP) to detect the user’s emotion to better predict suggested treatments. Utilising machine learning, emotion AI technology is lent anthropomorphic qualities to collate data on human individuals to learn their specific emotive behaviors, thereby formulating a personalized experience.


  • The IoT blinds are shut and all not vital power is switched to off.
  • The smart phone is able to alert you to the best route to school and work, alerting you to possible areas of dense traffic or vehicle related incidents.
  • Leaving the house, using security technology, enabled with machine learning and biometrics.
  • Jumping into the car which has emotional processing capability using computer vision, and audio sensors to cater and adapt to the needs of the persons within the vehicle, such as detecting blue lips indicting that the temperature control is to be adjusted automatically. And the ability to monitor safe driving behavior.
  • During the day if any parcels are to be delivered the delivery man has access to a parcel door (the size of a cat door) that requires an access code and is monitored by smart security and surveillance cameras.


  • Access to your work building is via facial recognition security technology using deep sensory cameras to gain access to the lifts, the smart security knows which floor you want to be dropped at.
  • To gain access to your company’s network; the security technology uses your face, and this also grants multi-application access.
  • You open your tasks for the day as these have been categorized by your AI virtual personal assistant (VPA), which also determines your meetings scheduled into your calendar for the day and is able to send these through to your smart phone, which is attached to your wrist. This enables an understanding of your location requirements for all meetings. Your VPA can automatically set meetings up when required.
  • Your VPA can also help with providing research to solve business problems, or business analysis approach suggestions, by sourcing data from the BABOK or Agile extension.
  • Through-out the day your smart watch is reminding you to stand up, because it knows when you have seated too long, your body temperature is also monitored to assess your water consumption requirements through-out the day.


  • It’s lunch time, you tell your VPA you want lunch within close proximity of your office, with a specific price point and the cuisine type. The assistant researches options and returns the top three results. If you are having a social work gathering, it may be applicable to ensure delivery which can be arranged by your VPA, however if the meal is individually focused, then the smart watch will advise of the time it will be estimated to reach the destination. And that walking is the best option to take in terms of retrieving your lunch meal.


  • A healthy snack reminder is sent to your smart watch and remaining tasks that are outstanding for the day.


  • Home time; send a check message to the smart appliance fridge to identify any movement with milk or bread supplies. The ability to automatically order online for a click and collect at the supermarket.


  • 3D deep sensing camera technology for facial recognition will allow all members of the family to easily access the home, however non authorized persons will be denied access.
  • Time to seat everyone for a meal and then off to scheduled sporting activities.


With the adoption of wearable tech, advancements in home smart devices and improvements in facial recognition, combining these avenues currently provides a significant avenue for AI to simplify our lives.

Imagine what the future holds…


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